postingan sebelumnya cuma pelarian dari perasaan yang sebenernya lagi aku rasain.
sekarang ini, i really miss my mom. so bad.
padahal baru ditinggal satu hari satu malam sama mama.
yup, mama lagi pergi haji, baru berangkat kemarin.
doain ya semuanya..
hmmh, mungkin aku cengeng. manja. atau apalah namanya.
tapi gimana ya, aku emang ga pernah lama-lama ditinggal sama mama..
dan berasaa banget sedih n kehilangan kalo mama pergi..
My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune. ~Graycie Harmon
[A] mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled. ~Emily Dickinson
I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights. ~Adabella Radici
Selasa, 17 November 2009
miss you..
omegle: mainan baru
well, kangen berat sama blog ini. maaf beribu maaf baru bisa update skarang.. janji palsu banget deh postingan terakhir: mau update blog sebelum UTS.. hahaha :D
hmm.. kan banyak banget yang pengen diceritain ya.. tapi sepertinya waktunya ga ada. yaudah skarang yang simple aja deh.. aku mau cerita tentang satu situs yang jadi mainan baru aku.. hehe sebenernya ga baru-baru banget sih.. udah dari sekitar pertengahan september kemaren..
namanya Omegle. aku tau situs ini dari kaskus, pas iseng-iseng baca postingan forum.. segeralah saat itu aku meluncur ke TKP hihi.. si Omegle ini adalah situs di mana kita bisa chatting sama orang-orang yang gak kita kenal, dari negara manapun. jargonnya: Talk to Strangers! haha.. awalnya nyoba Omegle, penasaran aja sih.. abisnya orang-orang kayak pada seru banget gitu ngomonginnya di kaskus. Ternyata pas berkali-kali nyoba chatting sama strangers, seru juga :) :) selain dapet temen baru, bisa sekalian ngelatih bahasa inggris juga hihii..
yaaah, emang sih, situs ini ada sisi negatifnya juga.. banyak (bangett) orang-orang aneh, yang sex-oriented gitu.. parah deh.. tapi kalo kita beruntung, bisa kok dapet temen yang baik.. aku udah dapet temen yang sampe skarang masih kontak-kontakan, temen sharing, dll gitu deh. Ada Nathan sama Ben dari Inggris, ada Abdullah dari India, ada yang dari China sama Korea juga.. lumayan asik hehe..
oh iya, ada yang bikin lucu juga nih.. kita bisa ketemu sama orang Indonesia juga.. dan itu kocak deh! Aku punya banyak arsip chat Omegle sebenernya.. tapi di-save-nya di laptop.. Sekarang lagi pake komputer soalnya kabel charger laptop rusak.. yang di-save di komputer cuma dikit, tapi aku share aja ah.. hehe.. eh-eh sebelumnya, jangan diketawain kalo bahasa inggrisku ancur yaa haha.. namanya juga masih belajar :D
ini 1st chatting seru, sama Ryan. (agak panjang hehe)
Stranger: Ryan. You: aku.
Stranger: so, my cousin was hit by a car today
Stranger: screwed my day all up
You: i'm sorry to hear that
Stranger: yeah. he's gonna be ok they think so no worries
Stranger: so, how was your day?
You: its fun so far.. i'm fasting now :)
Stranger: fasting? why?
You: because its fasting month, Ramadhan. i'm moslem :)
Stranger: oh. ok. cool.
Stranger: so, are you in the US or somewhere lese?
Stranger: else?^
You: no, i'm indonesian
Stranger: ah. yeah that makes since. it's the middle of the night here.
Stranger: im in Indiana
You: why don't you go to bed?
You: insomnia? lol
Stranger: i usually work at night and its my day off
Stranger: so, im still up
Stranger: its 2 in the morning here
You: wew.. its noon here
You: just take your time to sleep :)
Stranger: i do. im usually working now so i cant sleep. so, when do you get to stop fasting? sundown?
You: its habituation isn't it?
You: yes, sundown, we called 'maghrib'..
Stranger: ok. thanks for sharing that with me. i dont know any moslems irl
You: its okay :)
Stranger: where i live people of different faiths are not tolerated very well. it sickens me
You: oh really?
You: what a pity..
Stranger: yes. ethnocintrism is a sign of mental weakness
You: well ethnocentrism, i've got the lesson about that
Stranger: really? do you study Anthropology?
You: nope, Psychology.. :)
Stranger: ah. same vein. social sciences
You: yeah you're right.
You: the topics are similar, familiar
Stranger: very much so. anthropology was my minor in college.
You: hmm i see..
Stranger: its why i like learning about other cultures
Stranger: so, are you a full time student?
You: yes
You: indonesia has many cultures.. please come here and you'll learn a lot :)
Stranger: i need to travel more. ive never left the USA
You: oh well no problem
Stranger: yeah. its not hard or really expensive. just finding the time to go. so, what do yuo want to do once you graduate?
You: i want to continue my study, seek for magister, but still don't know whether my parents agree or not
Stranger: are you male or female?
You: female.. you?
Stranger: male
Stranger: are females not encouraged to seek higher learning in your culture
Stranger: >?
Stranger: hopefully your parents will support whatever you decide
You: yeah sometimes female is underestimated
You: i hope so.. thank you :)
Stranger: you should follow your dreams. my smartest friends are female
You: i will :)
Stranger: i wish i had stayed in college. now all i do is work and i miss my studies
You: oh i'm so sorry to know that..
You: why you have to work and leave your study?
Stranger: i completed my studies and graduated. im a police officer now. but i miss being in school
You: ooh.. sorry i'm missunderstanding lol
Stranger: lol. it's ok. your english is excellent
You: no, i'm not, still have to learn.. seriously..
Stranger: i can understand you perfectly. and english is the only language i speak.
You: you're very nice guy :)
Stranger: thank you. i try to be.
Stranger: so, since youre learning english, what is your native language?
You: lol indonesia
Stranger: lol. im sorry. i didnt know that's what it is called.
You: 'bahasa indonesia'
Stranger: ahh...i see. well, your english is excellent. i know people who live in America who dont speak as well as you
You: you're too often praised lol
Stranger: i praise when praise is owed
You: well..
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 24
Stranger: you?
You: 19 :D
Stranger: lol. youre young. is this your first year in university?
You: no, next term is my 3rd grade, i'll face the 5th semester
Stranger: ah. in america people dont usually go to university until theyre 18 or 19.
You: ooh really?
Stranger: yes. i was 19 when i started
You: hmm.. this year i'm 20 years, november. lol
Stranger: ahh. mine was a few weeks ago. 3rd of august
You: woow.. happy birthday :)
Stranger: thank you. i worked on my birthday this year. but you have to when you have a job
You: hehe..
You: yes i should have a job someday
Stranger: what kind of job do you want?
You: consultant maybe hihihi
Stranger: any type of consultant? fashion? money? life?
You: because of my mayor is psychology, guess what?
Stranger: probably life if i had to guess
Stranger: like a counselor? or like a psychologist?
You: i prefer to be a psychologist..
Stranger: yes. that is a good job. you can help people doing that job
You: i hope so :)
You: you do the same now as police officer right?
Stranger: i try. some people do not want to be helped
Stranger: some people think i am bad
You: don't judge yourself like that, bro :)
Stranger: i dont. but where i live people do not like the police.
You: lol the same condition here
Stranger: lol.
Stranger: it's that way everywhere i feel
Stranger: i try to be nice.
You: yes do your best
Stranger: i do. maybe someday ill top being a police man and move to another country
You: sounds cool
You: what country do you want to move? *if that's dream come true hehe
Stranger: i would move anywhere. i would move to Indonesia if all the people are as nice as you
You: lol
You: what a happy world if a police officer often praised like you
Stranger: lol. ive been told that before. where i live many of the police officers are nice. it's the people we deal with who are bad
You: hehe
You: in indonesia, police officers are money-oriented.
Stranger: money-oriented? not here. we serve the people
Stranger: im sorry to hear that. we teach children to trust us.
You: yes, the conditions are that bad here.
You: that's why many people seldom want to deal with police
Stranger: i can see why. i wouldnt want to deal with the police either
Stranger: maybe someday i will move to indonesia and bring my police friends and teach your police how to be good
You: wooow nice :)
You: i'll wait lol
Stranger: lol. thank you. well, my friend, my bed calls to me. it has been an honor talking with you. my name is Ryan and i wish you luck in life
You: nice to know you, Ryan.. my name is sarah.
You: good night and have a nice dream :)
Stranger: thank you. have a glorious day.
You: yes, today i want to visit my grandfather
You: it will be a glorious day with him
Stranger: you should. it is important to visit our elders. i visited mine yesterday
You: well okay, i don't want to be a barrier for you and your bed
You: sleep tight :)
Stranger: lol. thanks for the chat. it was very nice to meet you.
Stranger: good night.
naah terus, kayak gini nih kalo pas ketemu sama orang Indonesia :D
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from ?
You: indonesia
You: you?
Stranger: sama
You: hahaha
yah buat iseng-iseng aja sih kalo ga ada kerjaan. :D
well, kangen berat sama blog ini. maaf beribu maaf baru bisa update skarang.. janji palsu banget deh postingan terakhir: mau update blog sebelum UTS.. hahaha :D
hmm.. kan banyak banget yang pengen diceritain ya.. tapi sepertinya waktunya ga ada. yaudah skarang yang simple aja deh.. aku mau cerita tentang satu situs yang jadi mainan baru aku.. hehe sebenernya ga baru-baru banget sih.. udah dari sekitar pertengahan september kemaren..
namanya Omegle. aku tau situs ini dari kaskus, pas iseng-iseng baca postingan forum.. segeralah saat itu aku meluncur ke TKP hihi.. si Omegle ini adalah situs di mana kita bisa chatting sama orang-orang yang gak kita kenal, dari negara manapun. jargonnya: Talk to Strangers! haha.. awalnya nyoba Omegle, penasaran aja sih.. abisnya orang-orang kayak pada seru banget gitu ngomonginnya di kaskus. Ternyata pas berkali-kali nyoba chatting sama strangers, seru juga :) :) selain dapet temen baru, bisa sekalian ngelatih bahasa inggris juga hihii..
yaaah, emang sih, situs ini ada sisi negatifnya juga.. banyak (bangett) orang-orang aneh, yang sex-oriented gitu.. parah deh.. tapi kalo kita beruntung, bisa kok dapet temen yang baik.. aku udah dapet temen yang sampe skarang masih kontak-kontakan, temen sharing, dll gitu deh. Ada Nathan sama Ben dari Inggris, ada Abdullah dari India, ada yang dari China sama Korea juga.. lumayan asik hehe..
oh iya, ada yang bikin lucu juga nih.. kita bisa ketemu sama orang Indonesia juga.. dan itu kocak deh! Aku punya banyak arsip chat Omegle sebenernya.. tapi di-save-nya di laptop.. Sekarang lagi pake komputer soalnya kabel charger laptop rusak.. yang di-save di komputer cuma dikit, tapi aku share aja ah.. hehe.. eh-eh sebelumnya, jangan diketawain kalo bahasa inggrisku ancur yaa haha.. namanya juga masih belajar :D
ini 1st chatting seru, sama Ryan. (agak panjang hehe)
Stranger: Ryan. You: aku.
Stranger: so, my cousin was hit by a car today
Stranger: screwed my day all up
You: i'm sorry to hear that
Stranger: yeah. he's gonna be ok they think so no worries
Stranger: so, how was your day?
You: its fun so far.. i'm fasting now :)
Stranger: fasting? why?
You: because its fasting month, Ramadhan. i'm moslem :)
Stranger: oh. ok. cool.
Stranger: so, are you in the US or somewhere lese?
Stranger: else?^
You: no, i'm indonesian
Stranger: ah. yeah that makes since. it's the middle of the night here.
Stranger: im in Indiana
You: why don't you go to bed?
You: insomnia? lol
Stranger: i usually work at night and its my day off
Stranger: so, im still up
Stranger: its 2 in the morning here
You: wew.. its noon here
You: just take your time to sleep :)
Stranger: i do. im usually working now so i cant sleep. so, when do you get to stop fasting? sundown?
You: its habituation isn't it?
You: yes, sundown, we called 'maghrib'..
Stranger: ok. thanks for sharing that with me. i dont know any moslems irl
You: its okay :)
Stranger: where i live people of different faiths are not tolerated very well. it sickens me
You: oh really?
You: what a pity..
Stranger: yes. ethnocintrism is a sign of mental weakness
You: well ethnocentrism, i've got the lesson about that
Stranger: really? do you study Anthropology?
You: nope, Psychology.. :)
Stranger: ah. same vein. social sciences
You: yeah you're right.
You: the topics are similar, familiar
Stranger: very much so. anthropology was my minor in college.
You: hmm i see..
Stranger: its why i like learning about other cultures
Stranger: so, are you a full time student?
You: yes
You: indonesia has many cultures.. please come here and you'll learn a lot :)
Stranger: i need to travel more. ive never left the USA
You: oh well no problem
Stranger: yeah. its not hard or really expensive. just finding the time to go. so, what do yuo want to do once you graduate?
You: i want to continue my study, seek for magister, but still don't know whether my parents agree or not
Stranger: are you male or female?
You: female.. you?
Stranger: male
Stranger: are females not encouraged to seek higher learning in your culture
Stranger: >?
Stranger: hopefully your parents will support whatever you decide
You: yeah sometimes female is underestimated
You: i hope so.. thank you :)
Stranger: you should follow your dreams. my smartest friends are female
You: i will :)
Stranger: i wish i had stayed in college. now all i do is work and i miss my studies
You: oh i'm so sorry to know that..
You: why you have to work and leave your study?
Stranger: i completed my studies and graduated. im a police officer now. but i miss being in school
You: ooh.. sorry i'm missunderstanding lol
Stranger: lol. it's ok. your english is excellent
You: no, i'm not, still have to learn.. seriously..
Stranger: i can understand you perfectly. and english is the only language i speak.
You: you're very nice guy :)
Stranger: thank you. i try to be.
Stranger: so, since youre learning english, what is your native language?
You: lol indonesia
Stranger: lol. im sorry. i didnt know that's what it is called.
You: 'bahasa indonesia'
Stranger: ahh...i see. well, your english is excellent. i know people who live in America who dont speak as well as you
You: you're too often praised lol
Stranger: i praise when praise is owed
You: well..
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 24
Stranger: you?
You: 19 :D
Stranger: lol. youre young. is this your first year in university?
You: no, next term is my 3rd grade, i'll face the 5th semester
Stranger: ah. in america people dont usually go to university until theyre 18 or 19.
You: ooh really?
Stranger: yes. i was 19 when i started
You: hmm.. this year i'm 20 years, november. lol
Stranger: ahh. mine was a few weeks ago. 3rd of august
You: woow.. happy birthday :)
Stranger: thank you. i worked on my birthday this year. but you have to when you have a job
You: hehe..
You: yes i should have a job someday
Stranger: what kind of job do you want?
You: consultant maybe hihihi
Stranger: any type of consultant? fashion? money? life?
You: because of my mayor is psychology, guess what?
Stranger: probably life if i had to guess
Stranger: like a counselor? or like a psychologist?
You: i prefer to be a psychologist..
Stranger: yes. that is a good job. you can help people doing that job
You: i hope so :)
You: you do the same now as police officer right?
Stranger: i try. some people do not want to be helped
Stranger: some people think i am bad
You: don't judge yourself like that, bro :)
Stranger: i dont. but where i live people do not like the police.
You: lol the same condition here
Stranger: lol.
Stranger: it's that way everywhere i feel
Stranger: i try to be nice.
You: yes do your best
Stranger: i do. maybe someday ill top being a police man and move to another country
You: sounds cool
You: what country do you want to move? *if that's dream come true hehe
Stranger: i would move anywhere. i would move to Indonesia if all the people are as nice as you
You: lol
You: what a happy world if a police officer often praised like you
Stranger: lol. ive been told that before. where i live many of the police officers are nice. it's the people we deal with who are bad
You: hehe
You: in indonesia, police officers are money-oriented.
Stranger: money-oriented? not here. we serve the people
Stranger: im sorry to hear that. we teach children to trust us.
You: yes, the conditions are that bad here.
You: that's why many people seldom want to deal with police
Stranger: i can see why. i wouldnt want to deal with the police either
Stranger: maybe someday i will move to indonesia and bring my police friends and teach your police how to be good
You: wooow nice :)
You: i'll wait lol
Stranger: lol. thank you. well, my friend, my bed calls to me. it has been an honor talking with you. my name is Ryan and i wish you luck in life
You: nice to know you, Ryan.. my name is sarah.
You: good night and have a nice dream :)
Stranger: thank you. have a glorious day.
You: yes, today i want to visit my grandfather
You: it will be a glorious day with him
Stranger: you should. it is important to visit our elders. i visited mine yesterday
You: well okay, i don't want to be a barrier for you and your bed
You: sleep tight :)
Stranger: lol. thanks for the chat. it was very nice to meet you.
Stranger: good night.
naah terus, kayak gini nih kalo pas ketemu sama orang Indonesia :D
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from ?
You: indonesia
You: you?
Stranger: sama
You: hahaha
yah buat iseng-iseng aja sih kalo ga ada kerjaan. :D
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